Poem: Watagan Morning

Watagan Morning

Over the gully's verge,
travels the gaze, then halts at post and wire.
Burgeoning thickets, and banksia between,
give place for the mind's retire.

It is a silvery outlook on this morning,
soon to be burnished gold; though I do not prefer.
Wistful then rallying is the fine schedule,
the restless hens door-side stir.

The butcher's wives and miners
arrive to take their morning fill.
The king takes his throne, his presence known,
with an agitated trill.

The morning's curtains lifted,
sunlight dapples wing and bough.
Melody pierces the mountain air,
as magpie will allow.

Shade begins its routine retreat,
with dew not far behind.
Night's creatures have their place to rest,
and so, too, has my mind.

May 2022


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